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PROTO: *icu=qǝ-
MEANING: to go out
RMEAN: выходить
YUP: *juqǝ-
INUP: *iccuʁ-
NEWCOM: The geminated *-cc- in this root is due to contamination with *iccuaʁ- < *icuʁaʁ- 'to peek out' and these stems may probably be distinct.
REFER: 150
PROTO: *icŭvʁi-
MEANING: to choose, to select, to judge
RMEAN: выбирать, судить
YUP: *juvʁi-
INUP: *icIvʁi-
REFER: 149
PROTO: *iɣǝ-, *iɣ-laɣ
MEANING: to swallow, esophagus
RMEAN: глотать, пищевод
YUP: *iɣǝ-, *iɣlaɣ
INUP: *i(ɣ)ǝ-, *iɣlaɣ
NEWCOM: Cf. also *iɣja- (~ -ʁj-) 'throat'.
REFER: 123
PROTO: *iɣja- (~ -ʁj-)
MEANING: throat
RMEAN: горло
YUP: *i[ɣ]jaʁa- (*iʁca- ?)
INUP: *iɣɣia- (~ -ʁia-)
NEWCOM: The stem formally looks like a derivative from *iɣǝ-, *iɣ-laɣ 'to swallow, esophagus', but variants with uvular -ʁ- in some languages may reflect a different etymology, disguised through contamination with this verbal root.
REFER: 123
PROTO: *i(ɣ)laɣ-
MEANING: to tangle, to sew
RMEAN: спутывать нитки, шить
YUP: *i(ɣ)laɣ-
INUP: *i(')laɣ-
NEWCOM: Cf. *iɣlaɣi- 'to brush hair, comb' and *i(ɣ)laHuRquci- 'porcupine'.
REFER: 127
PROTO: *iɣlaɣi-
MEANING: to brush hair, comb
RMEAN: причесывать, гребень
YUP: *i(ɣ)laɣi-ʁ-
INUP: *i'laiɣunt
NEWCOM: Cf. *i(ɣ)laɣ- 'to tangle, to sew'.
REFER: 128
PROTO: *i(ɣ)laHuRquci-
MEANING: porcupine
RMEAN: дикобраз
YUP: *ilaHanquci-
INUP: *i(')lu-tqu-, *i(')laatqu-ci-
NEWCOM: Cf. *i(ɣ)laɣ- 'to tangle, to sew'.
REFER: 128
PROTO: *iɣru-ɣ
MEANING: testicles
RMEAN: яички (анатом.)
YUP: *iɣru-ɣ
INUP: *iɣru-ɣ (~ *ǝ-)
REFER: 122
PROTO: *iɣru-ʁ-
MEANING: to freeze, to congeal, to jell
RMEAN: застывать, кристаллизоваться
YUP: *iɣru-ʁ-
INUP: *iɣru-ʁ-
REFER: 123
PROTO: *iʁalu-, *iʁalǝ-ʁ-
MEANING: moon, star
RMEAN: луна, звезда
YUP: *iʁalu-, *iʁalǝ-ʁ-
NEWCOM: This is an ancient borrowing from the PCh compound *ǝ̣ʒʁị-ɫɣǝ̣n 'moon, month' (literally 'misty moon'); phonetically this loan must have arrived via PKam *jẹ'a-lɣǝn with the same meaning.
PROTO: *iʁca-qu-
MEANING: heart
RMEAN: сердце
YUP: *iʁca-qu-
INUP: *iqca-ʁu-
REFER: 144
PROTO: *iʁci
MEANING: to be afraid
RMEAN: бояться, пугаться
YUP: *iʁci
INUP: *iqci-
REFER: 142
PROTO: *iʁlǝ-ɣ-
MEANING: greedy, stingy
RMEAN: жадный
YUP: *iʁlǝɣ-
INUP: *iʁlǝ-ɣ-
REFER: 144
PROTO: *iʁnǝʁ
MEANING: finger, span
RMEAN: палец, пядь
YUP: *iʁnǝʁu[r]aʁ
INUP: *iʁnǝʁ
PROTO: *iʁni-ʁ
MEANING: to give birth, son
RMEAN: рождать, сын
YUP: *iʁni-, *iʁnǝʁ
INUP: *iʁni-ʁ
REFER: 144
PROTO: *iʁtu-ʁ-
MEANING: to knead, to break
RMEAN: мять, ломать
YUP: *iʁtu-ʁ-
INUP: *iqtuʁ-
REFER: 145
PROTO: *i'i
MEANING: yes (exclamation)
RMEAN: да (междометие)
YUP: *i'i
INUP: *ii
REFER: 121
PROTO: *ijɣǝ-
MEANING: to lurch, to lean against sth.
RMEAN: крениться, опираться
YUP: *iɣjǝ-, *ijɣ-aɣ-
INUP: *iiɣa-ʁ- (-ŋa-)
REFER: 123
PROTO: *ij(u)ʁa-
MEANING: to be afraid, spirit, ghost
RMEAN: пугаться, дух
YUP: *ijʁa-
INUP: *ijuʁa-, *irǝʁa-
NEWCOM: In CED this stem is interpreted as a derivative from *irǝʁ- 'to hide'. Such contaminations are present in modern Inupik languages (hence the secondary -r- in the middle of the stem) but in case of regular development, "irʁa- rather than *irǝʁa- should be expected. The archaic version with the labialised vowel in the second syllable clearly shows that this is a different root going back to PKCh *'iɣʷjǝqǝ- with the same meaning 'evil, ghost, to be afraid'.
REFER: 122
RMEAN: грязь
YUP: *iqa
INUP: *ika-ɣ-, (-ŋa-)
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